Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh, sorry...

Over a month since my last blog post. Well, well... things happen :-)

I found a site, new to me, but it has obviously been there for a good while.
It's Rhythm of The Home, and it is about natural, ecological, organic, earthy and antroposophic/teosophic way of life :-)

I love this felt cat pin, and the picture with all the tiny people behind Salley in the end of the article :-)

It's not a good day today. I have been trying to loose weight this whole week, and even though yesterday the scales showed I have lost 2 kilos this week, it's in 1 kilo today. I am also in serious pain. I suppose I am retaining water again. Well... I suppose this is Goddess' way of telling me to take it easy :-D


  1. Is this your poem/prayer? I'd like to post it, but I want to give credit where it is due.

  2. I'm sorry, Varina, I haven't seen your comment before now. No, it's not my poem. I don't know whose it is.
