Sunday, October 24, 2010

So quiet at the blog hop front...

But, Doree Weller has managed to get her poem published in an anthology :-) Wonderful!

The Fire Witch posted about witch hats, and... *sigh* I can't comment on her post, so I'll just post here.
There is no reason why you should decorate your hat only for "fancy parties" or "weddings". I like the Edwardian times and the hats were HUGE at that time. I wouldn't mind wearing something like The Bohemian Goddess' Witch Hat every day. I wouldn't follow the tutorial Fire Witch posted a link to, but I'd use this one: Sally's Gandalf's Hat. Just think of the possibilities! You can have wider brim or cute, narrow brim, add louch or make the steeple stiffer by adding more vlieseline or buckrum or what ever. (Not cardboard!). You can make it of any color and material, and any size... and decorate it as you like :-)

Cattra's World has a very nice teaparty under the October Moon, which was yesterday :-)

I saw this year's first pumpkins in the grocery store on Friday. I felt how my face lit up and I danced to the pumkins and picked one, and then I rolled it on the floor to the scales to weigh it :-)
I have been smiling to myself every time I think about it, or then my inner kid does The Animal going "PUMPKIN, PUMPKIN, PUMPKIN!!!"

My husband and I were making some Samhain decorations yesterday. I love the paper chains, but they are such a dull work... We were watching Bones, and it helped :-D


  1. Hmm, you couldn't comment?? Was it something wrong with the comments on my blog? Cause I'll have to fix that...

    That is a much better tutorial than the one I linked to. I just couldn't find any really good ones. :s My googling skills are not great.

  2. I don't know what's wrong, I get the comment button, but nothing happens when I click it. No place to comment. :-(
    I would have commented. :-)
