Saturday, October 16, 2010

Welcome to a tea party :-)

A Fanciful Twist is organizing a blog hop tea party in honor of Samhain and October, and I am participating in it, so if you are here, you might have arrived for a cup of tea. :-)

First, I am sure Vanessa will be arranging a Halloween tea party with no comparison or competition, because she is amazing, creative, imaginative and generous like that :-)

This tea party of mine will be arranged in the imaginary garden of my imaginary Witch's House. It is a Victorian house, with many towers and windows and balconies and all kind of architectural structures that make Victorian houses such a delight for people like me, who like a bit of a mess :-D There will be interesting details in all over the house, like chimney tops that look like owls and cats, dragon head water pipes and gargoyles in the woodwork.
The house will be surrounded by iron fence and gates, that too are made to look like dragons and flowers and all sorts of fancy and fantastic things.
The garden is a bit wild, with everything growing together, flowers, herbs and vegetables. Most of the herbs and vegetables are already picked, but the perennas are still there. Chrysanthemums, asters and marigolds are blooming in full flame of yellows and oranges, together with the blaze of leaves of the bushes and trees around.

When you arrive there, you will see a table set in the middle of the garden with comfortable wicker chairs with sheep fur rugs on them, so you will be quite comfortable and warm and cozy during the tea party.
Now, I would like to point out that this photo is NOT about witches. 
This was a common folk costume for old women in England and Wales, 
and in some places the old ladies still wear something similar. 
I do not intend to say the women in the photo were witches, 
even though I have absolutely no malicious or unpleasant association with the word 
and in fact would consider it an honorary title. 
I doubt these ladies saw it that way though. :-)

The tables are set in a baroque, Russian style, with a brocade cloth and a Russian flower scarf on top of that.
The table is set with brass and Chochloma ware, and wonderful amber crystal glasses.
There is also  some very specific Samhain teacups, handpainted with marigolds and gilded. The inside is pale, so that tealeaves can be read after drinking the tea, if so desired.
 For tea there's always some sandwiches, and some sweet treats.
If you wish to have a Halloween theme for the tea party, you could serve this:
graveyard sandwiches
Calavera sandwiches are really pretty
you could also cut your cucumber sandwiches with ghost or pumpkin cookie cutter - if you want to.
Or use shredded ham as filling in the sandwiches. It looks a bit like worms. :-D
Britta has amazing ideas that would fit perfectly for a spooky tea party.
These owl cupcakes are really cute

My tea party will serve vegetarian sandwichessome spicy carrot pastries and cabbage piroshki as savories, and as sweets, there will be cream scones with clotted cream and pumpkin jam (and Mrs. Beeton's Carrot Jam), carrot cake and sweet potato pie. :-)

And then there would be interesting discussing going on, and some party games, and the marigold fairies would have a good laugh at all the silliness going on in the garden...


  1. Super Party Post!

    Please fly by for my giveaways too...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

    My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

  2. Wonderful party! Thank you for the warm invitation.

    I would be most delighted if you came to visit my enchanted Halloween Faerie Tale & giveaway:

    Enjoy the parties!

  3. Thanks for inviting me to your magical party. Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

  4. Very fun party, and the treats sound delicious :) Thank you for having me over! :) ~Lauren

  5. Lovely party you have going on here. I think I will cozy down in that fur chair of yours and have a few hot cuppas.

    Check out Harrington Manor Ball today.

  6. Super delightful! I love the feel of your blog!

    Thank you for sharing your magic!

    ♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}

  7. LOVED your party post! and more importantly i loved today's post...i am at a crossroads myself with my beliefs, and I find myself leaning towards paganism or Wicca and away from my last Monday muse post here:

    and please check out my party post(s)


    come visit:
    pre-party post(Fri.) Party post with giveaway(Sat.) and post-party post (Sun.)

  8. Magical choice of finery for a purrfect Halloween Ball. Adore the Baroque elements and the amber glasses....everything exquisitely kind of art.

    Happy Halloween!

    If you like to come over for a visit , I am giving away some of my art may like them for adding to your decor.

