Friday, February 18, 2011

OWOH 2011

Welcome to my blog for 5th and last OWOH - One World, One Heart happening, where bloggers come together :-)

I was a bit worried that I wouldn't make it, because I posted last year's OWOH wins to the receivers only yesterday... No, don't worry, it won't take as long this year.:-D I made a promise that I would have the gift ready and also an envelope to post it in, before I gave myself a permission to participate. ;-)

I have not been well lately, so this blog hasn't been updated properly, but I do post every now and then, and every now and then I post more than other times.

I'm 42 in 2 months, married, childless but not petless. We have a dog (so if you don't want dog hair, don't participate in this drawing.)
I am an artist and a crafter, a renaissance woman. I paint, draw, craft (fiber crafts, paper crafts), sculpt, make dolls, create fashion... or I am interested in these things. I have fibromyalgia, and it's making my life pretty miserable, and limited. My hands hurt usually so bad I can't even use them.
I love reading and writing, singing and music, I play recorder (badly :-D) and train our dog when I am not in too much pain. He's the smartest dog in the world, and it's a pity I'm so sick. :-(

I love the Pagan Sabbaths, from Halloween and Yule to all the rest of them. My dream is to make all 8 as big as Christmas :-D

This blog is my spiritual blog and a lifestyle blog. I am Pagan, and even though some of my ideas and thoughts are very "New Age", most of them are not. You will get a good idea of who I am if you look around here.

P.S. I am not very fond of Christians, and every now and then write something that is not nice to read about the subject, so if you are Christian, or find such rantings distasteful, hop over every blog post about Christians and Christianity. There is enough to see without those rantings too.

My thank you gift for one lucky visitor is a used deck of tarot cards, "Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights". It has not been used much, because even though I love the art work, the cards don't speak to me.
As said, they are very beautiful, and could be magnificent bases for ATCs, or as decoration in cards and scrapbooks.

Now, how to get a chance to win this?
a) you have to have an active blog
b) you can live anywhere in the world
c) leave a comment

I will pick a random number from hat the 17th of February - that's a week from now - and inform in this blog who is the winner, and I will also contact the winner in mail if I can. Otherwise I will ask the winner to contact me with her/his address information, so that I can post this bag to you. So be prepared to visit this blog again 18th of February, so that you won't miss your prize.


******* THE WINNER******* gave me the number 27 and the comment #27 is Jody, from Tumbleweed Trails.

Congratulations, Jody! I hope you enjoy the deck and post a little pictures of what you do with it :-)


Aftermath ranting

Now, after the happening is over, let's share some statistics:

I visited EVERY ONE OF THE ALMOST 900 BLOGS. Every single one.
I had 454 visitors to this blog entry and 106 comments.

OWOH is supposed to be about visiting each others' blogs, learning to know each other and find new, interesting blogs to follow. It's about you getting some advertisement and paying for it by giving some attention to others.
No wonder it wasn't as good for me this year as it was the previous years. The "one world, one heart" feeling wasn't there. *sigh*

What ever.


  1. Greetings from Kansas, K.! How refreshing your blog is- honest and personable, I'm looking forward to reading more!

    I'm sorry to read that your fibromyalgia has become so debilitating, but am glad you have your blog to reach out to the rest of us with!

    If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!

  2. Hej Ketutar,

    The tarot card set is very beautiful -- thanks for offering such a lovely prize. :)

    Greetings from Germany,
    # 66

  3. Avery different blog fun to read. Hope we can be friends Come visit Laura

  4. Fabulous Giveaway - please include me and do come and visit my blog and enter mine too –if you haven’t already – I am #139 - I will be back for a more leisurely look around your blog after the event :-) – Cheers Britt in Australia

  5. Hi Ketutar, what fun to win your cards. Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

  6. Greetings from Canada!

    I love your cards, yes they would be very useful :)

  7. Greetings, I am your second visitor from Kansas, Neat huh?! Your blog is fun and I love the gift you are offering. Maybe they will speak to me.
    Stop by for a visit:

  8. Hello! Those tarot cards are wonderful. I hope you can find the time (and energy) to wander over to my blog. Thanks for sharing yourself in this way.

  9. I just love Tarot cards - I collect them because of the artwork.

    Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey across the world!!

  10. Greetings from Canada! Thank you for the opportunity to win a great giveaway! Happy Blogging and will be stopping by after OWOH.

    Come and visit my blog! MDW's Love (#548).

  11. Another fibro girl! I have enjoyede my visit with you.

  12. Hi there, hope you are enjoying the ride. I would love to win your tarot cards. Please call on me at #100 if you have the chance.

  13. I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get a chance to stop by, my blog is #809

  14. Greetings from Germany,
    awesome & wonderful give away.

    Rein #170

  15. nice to meet you, sorry to hear about the fibro - I hope you find something that helps you with it soon. Have you read this book: From Fatigued to Fantastic? I found it helpful in several ways for me (autoimmune thyroid disease that looks like fibro somedays.) Anyway, I look forward to looking around your blog. And I'd love a chance at those tarot cards - they look beautiful. Stop by my blog if you like lampwork beads, I'm giving 4 of them away ;)

  16. Hi from Canberra Australia--your tarot cards sound interesting.Please drop by my blog and enter my giveaway.
    Regards Doreen #573.

  17. Great prize, I've never seen this deck before. Happy OWOH, nice to meet you and Bright Blessings :)

  18. There beautifful cards and I'd love to be in your drawing.
    Lynn #65

  19. What a beautiful deck you are giving away. I'd love a chance to win, please enter me in the drawing.

  20. Hi Ketutar. Great tarot deck! I have a few at home, sometimes I use them and than for some time not, just depends on the mood!
    Must be a great mixed you and your husband! How is it to be a pagan in Sweden? I don't hear a lot about it, except in my own country or england!
    Drop by in Zutphen (very old town), Holland, love Susanna

  21. You have a very nice Blog. And your Giveaway is fantaschtisch. I hope to win. Please, writes me on your list.
    I see your visit with myself OWOH #646.
    Greetings on Germany,

  22. Thanks for your give-away and please count me in!

    Greetings from the Netherlands, Miriam #781

  23. I haven't seen this tarot deck before, would love to enter your give away! Nice to meet you!

  24. Lovely Giveaway! Can I be in with a chance?

    Much Love Rachel

  25. Hello from Roanoke, Virginia.

    I'll take your rejects any day. I love those cards. I am already placing them on my artsy file folders.

    Please fly on over to my blog at number 92 if you get a chance.

    Warm wishes,
    Cheryl-Healing Woman

  26. Hallo , nice to meet you.
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
    This is beautiful.
    Please count me in.
    Please come visit me on my blog aswell, I join the OWOH- event too.
    Regards from Germany and happy OWOH

  27. It's so nice to meet you and visit your blog. Your post is quite interesting and touching. I enjoyed reading about all of your interests in art and different mediums and how you like to train your dog when you are able. I'm so sorry to hear how the fibromyalgia has impacted your life. I hope you are enjoying the OWOH event, and that you have enough days with less pain than others so you can visit the other blogs and hopefully win some great door prizes.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  28. Many folk find it quite difficult to be tolerant of anyone not like themselves, and it is unfortunate.


    visit my blog

  29. What a lovely blog you have! I would love to win those cards.

    Come on by my blog & enter my OWOH giveaway also, I'm #590.

    Enjoy your journey,

    Hoerauf at comcast dot net

  30. Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
    Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
    Winning your give away would be awesome!
    Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.

  31. Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!

  32. Welcome to OWOH! The cards are lovely...please add me to your drawing!

  33. wonderful givaway! please enter me

  34. Do I love Tarot card art? Yes! Do I love the background on your blog? Yes! Am I terrible at getting things in the mail as well?, I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
    Gotta go check out some of your older posts now. Please come say hi on my blogs as well if you get the time.

  35. Kiva taas tavata!
    Gorgeous gift, hope to win.

    Greetings from Finland;-))m

    I have also Valentine candy:

    leikkaan @

  36. Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!

  37. I am not Pagan, but I adore the whole idea of the Wheel of the Year and celebrating the beautiful world around us......of being more in tune with the cycles of Nature and being more in touch with the magic within us all!

    Cameron #83

  38. Gorgeous tarot cards, would love them! Stop by for a visit & Happy OWOH!

  39. I collect tarot cards so this would be a great win for me.
    Tack for the opportunity!

    Come see my giveaway too at

  40. Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you.
    Thanks for participating in OWOH. Please enter me in the drawing for your awesome cards.
    If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
    # 385
    # 132

  41. Hello Ketutar! Sorry that you are having some horrible times with fibromyalgia. I know a few people that have this and understand that it can be a day to day thing.
    Your cards are lovely and really would be great altered. Stop by sometime. #220

  42. Wow what a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win! Now off to peruse your blog!

  43. I would love to win the tarot cards! Please visit me at Irish Muses #678.

  44. Anonymous13/2/11 21:13

    Would love to be entered for a chance to win this tarot deck - very different from others I have seen.
    Happy blogging,
    Beth P

  45. nice giveaway!
    Glad I found you! Please include me in your giveaway.
    Come visit me at

    Thanks Teri

  46. Your Tarotcards are beautiful !
    Please add me to your giveaway !

    # 206 on te Flying Wings - OWOH
    please come visit if you have some time...

  47. Those cards are beautiful. I've always been fascinated by tarot, but was never sure how to use them.

    Ducky Doo
    (just replace AT with @ and DOT with . I do this to dodge email grabbing internet bots)

  48. I love your honesty ~ You're a girl after my own heart!Please enter me in your drawing ~

    bobbieatc at charter dot net

    Thanks ~ bobbie

  49. Those cards look lovely and if they didn't speak to me I'd use them in some wonderful art!
    Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!

  50. Hello form Canada's west coast. Glad to hear I'm not the only one that goes on a rant now and again. ;o)
    I have been reading lots lately about arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other related diseases lately and have found some hopeful / helpful information on Dr. Joel Furhman's blog. Perhaps there might be something there for you too. Hope you can pop by my blog too if you haven't already.

  51. I love tarot cards and have participated in making many decks! please enter me in your giveaway and come enter mine.

  52. I have always wanted a deck of tarot cards, thanks for offering them!

  53. Thank you for the offer of your tarot cards, and for playing OWOH with us. I'd be happy to win them.
    Hermits' Garden

  54. I think getting those cards would be great. I like your honesty in your blog. I am #694 in OWOH, check me out. (lmdyment (at) hotmail (dot) com)

  55. Beautiful cards, thanks for joining our little OWOH tour! I'm #262 and would love to win your giveaway as well!
    Sharon F
    OWOH #262

  56. great prize, I am visiting from the Florida Gulf Coast area and it is so nice to meet you.. if you get a chance stop by for a visit.

    #566 & 567

  57. Hi there. It is so very nice to meet you. I would love for you to throw my name into the hat for a chance to win your used tarot cards. I would use them in altered art pieces. You have a very nice blog here :)

    I would also love for you to hop on over to my blog for a visit. I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.

  58. Hi From London, UK. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)

  59. MG from Florence, Oregon USA.
    I would love to win your prize.
    It is so nice to meet you here.


  60. Oh I would love to win that deck of tarot cards. I love the cards but it has been awhile since one has spoken to me.


  61. I hope you are enjoying the OWOH. I know I am. You've got a great blog and such a wonderful prize. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  62. Nice to meet you. I'm following so I can return again easily and browse around. I do love your giveaway Tarot.

  63. Hi Ketutar, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win those tarot cards, my first thought was to use them for ATCs:-)

    Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!

    Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

  64. Greetings from Las Vegas, NV. It was so nice meeting you. Halloween is my favorite all time holiday and I'm with you as far as making it as big as Christmas :D What a wonderful offering. I'd love to win your tarrot deck. I'm looking forward to reading more in your blog. Have a great time traveling around in blog land.

    Bright blessings,

  65. You have here a very nice Blog. And your Giveawy is great. Please, writes me on your list.
    Visits me, nevertheless, also OWOH #646
    Greetings from Germany,

  66. I would love to win something so unique! Thanks for the chance to win.

    #516 on the list

    Hugs :D

  67. ..,,,is it in the cards.. do we have a winner here ?? ( crossing fingers.) such a great give-a-way.. thanks for the opportunity mitz_zee@yahoodotcom

  68. Beautiful cards!
    Greetings from the Netherlands,


  69. I am new on my pagan path, and would love to receive a deck of Tarot cards, if I win, I hope they speak to me.
    Please include me in your draw and PLEASE come visit #209
    thanks, Susan
    (Pieces of Fate)

    You'll see I have FM, and MANY other physical issues as well as health ones...positive energy coming your way.

  70. Anonymous16/2/11 06:20

    Your intro post made me laugh! I too am 42 and childless - discovering meaning through art and craft at the moment. I'm not pagan, but I am sort of psychologically spiritual and finding my own path in this world. I like finding the similarities in what people believe and find it a comfort to see how ancient our belief systems and stories really are. I love myths and legends too. Lovely to meet you - I think your tarot cards look beautiful.

  71. Hi Ketutar!Sorry about your fibromyalgia :(
    I am glad that you joined OWOH and the cards are really cool. I use to be able to read tarot but it has been many years. I also enjoy reading ppls views on things, makes me think!
    cathyguitarteacher-77 at

  72. so sorry to read about the onset of your fibromyalgia. it is a terrible disease!

    what a wonderful tarot deck! thanks for the chance to win.

    it's so nice to "meet" you and to enjoy exploring your blog!

    please stop by my blog for a chance to win my gift as well, if you haven't already!

    joe in montana

  73. I love tarot art - there are so many amazing decks. That one is beautiful.
    Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
    hugs from ON, Canada

  74. What a beautiful gift you are offering!
    I don't know if the cards will speak to me or not but I sure would love finding out. They certainly look like my style.
    I am so glad you are part of the OWOH event!
    Joan :)

  75. would love to win these, have been interested in learning for many years. had a freind who used to read and we always talked about her doing a reading but we just never did. maybe because deep down the fear of something bad?? who know but still so very intriguing. sorry about FM have some dear friends who have it and my mom has myasthania gravis which has similiar symptoms. take care!

  76. These tarot deck looks great, and I have to say, the fact it is used just add to it's value.

  77. Hello O spooky one LOL!! I think it would be cool to make tarot card artwork into T-Shirts, that way you print the WHOLE PACK & just stick your hand into your T-Shirt draw & wear your own fortune each day... mmm... actually maybe not :) Actually here to say 'Hi' the giveaway was just the catalyst & I love tarot cards, reminds me of my visit to new Orleans :) Soooo... pleased to meet you chilled out babe (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia)! please come comment at my OWOH post too :) My talent lays elsewhere (eating leftovers LOL) Please feel free to drop in ANYTIME if your in the bloggersphere) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)

  78. I love your 'about me' description! Too fun! Count me in for your give-a-way, and I hope you can swing by and visit me as well.
    (#535 OWOH)

  79. You have a lovely blog and tarot card gift. I really enjoyed my quick look around. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.

  80. Anonymous16/2/11 16:45

    What a marvelous tarot deck! I would love to win!
    Please come to my Blog to win a real crystal ball!
    Be well & wish well,

  81. Terve! What a beautiful deck. Please add me to your hat. Cheers!

  82. It's a beautiful set of cards - thank you for the chance to win.

    I'd love to find out more about being a Pagan, I signed up to learn more last year but with one thing and another it didn't happen. Am so interested in the subject - ams ure my Mum was and she just didn't know it :)

    Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post too :)

    OWOH #365

  83. Nice to meet you, and your lovely blog. Regards from Croatia. Loredana

  84. Awesome-I can see these for ATCs! Good idea!
    Please enter my name in your draw and come on over to mine-#348 and add your name if you wish. Thanks and Good Luck!

  85. Hello from Central California.

    I'm glad to have found your blog and am sorry to read about your difficulties with the fibro. I have a close friend who also deals with this disease on a daily basis. Healing thoughts being sent your way.

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I would enjoy the deck of Tarot cards.

    If you haven't had a chance, I have giveaways on both of my blogs #511 and #515.

    onebookshy at yahoo dot com

  86. I love your honesty! Such a great post and a really cool giveaway! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357

  87. Hey Ketutar, It's so delightful to meet you via OWOH. This tarot card set is great... I love the artwork on the cards. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH #598

  88. Hallo from Germany! So pleased to meet you! Great blog and wonderfull Artworks. Love your Giveaway and do fingerscross to win. CU hellerlittle (owoh #773)

  89. The taro deck looks beautiful! I know of some people who have fibromyalgia but they've had good luck with bringing it under control with diet and exercise more than anything. So be hopeful and wish you well.
    :-)Gina #299

  90. Maybe, if I win, my gypsy granny will help me with this deck...

    We are riding the fibro boat together, my friend! ;) Wishing you more pain free days!
