Monday, December 5, 2011

Two months later...

It's THAT time of the year again... you know, "war on X-mas".
I really don't know which part of it all amuses/amazes me most:

- Jews didn't celebrate birthdays or Midwinter, so Jesus and his disciples didn't celebrate birthdays or Midwinter. Both are 100% Pagan ideas. So - celebrating ANYONE's birthday, and especially on Midwinter day, cannot possibly have anything to do with Christianity and Jesus, what ever you name it.
It reminds me of that old mission tale: A missionary had Christened the Pagan and taught him he may not eat meat on Fridays. When he comes to visit his disciple on a Friday he sees him eating a steak of game... "What are you doing? Did you not understand that you may not eat meat on Fridays!?" "Of course I did. But I did like you did. I took some water, poured it over the animal and said "you are now a fish"."

- How upset all Christians are about associating Jesus and the cross... "Crossing out Christ"... :-D

- The ignorance of the meaning of X in Christmas

- How they keep writing Christmas with CHRIST while ignoring the MASS part... as most of these people vehemently claim Catholics are not Christians, and Catholics are the only Christians celebrating mass in the first place... :-D

So what would this coming Midwinter feast be without Christ? Exactly the same it is now, my dear. Just without the créches and angels and other Christianized  stuff. The warmth, the sharing, the kindness, the consideration, the loving and caring, being together, peace, love, hope, birth of light, charity, generosity... all that existed long time before the current reckoning began. 

What ever.

Yule is on 22.12 this year, at 5.30 in the morning. Sun will be rising at 8.44 here in Stockholm, and after just some 6 hours it will be setting.

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