Thursday, April 11, 2013


Just remember, everything is connected to everything else. When you cast a spell, everything around you is effected.

The energy that comes

Everything is inter-connected with everything else, everything shares its energy with everything else, everything communicate with everything. We are in communion with the Whole, with the Universe, we receive trillions of data every second, so much data that, to preserve our sanity, this hyper-seaquake of knowledge has to hide in the mysterious night of our unconscious.

But we can focus our consciousness, select any knowledge or power we need of to live more and more in plenitude. Perhaps we’ll not understand the data or the power that we thus acess, because it is not necessary. Everything is made of energy, of intelligence, and being in contact with the intelligences who govern the subject, they’ll provide us the circumstances and the ability we need. This happens all the time, for instance with the organic intelligences. We do not have to understand how our liver or our heart function. These intelligences realize for us  an extremely complex work (when our emotions do not affect them is a destructive manner.)

Inner Travel

just remember a walk in a park,
feeling, feeling the energy,
the carress that comes from the breeze.
feeling the subtle energy, the breeze
which comes from the trees.
Imagining, feeling the subtle energy,
the breeze which comes from a mountain.
Feeling the breeze that comes from the lake.
Feeling the breeze which comes from a rock.
Feeling the breeze of energy
that comes up from the ground.
Feeling the light, delicious energy which
comes from the moonlight,
the caress of the moonlight.
Feeling the energy,
this breeze that comes from the stars,
the caress of the stars.
Feeling the breeze
that comes from the Universe,
the hug of the Universe.
Listening, listening with your skin
to the message that comes
from the moonlight and from the mountain.
With your skin listening to the breeze,
the message which comes from
the other side of the world,
which comes from Japan, from Mount Fuji.
The breeze,
the message which comes from India.
With your skin listening to Machu Pichu,
what Machu Pichu is revealing to you.
Listening to Machu Pichu.
With your skin feeling,
listening to the message
which comes from Amazonia.
Listening with your skin to a message
witch comes from the past.
Listening to this breeze which comes
from the future.
Receiving knowledge,
power coming from everywhere.
To understand is not even necessary,
friendly intelligences understand.
In communion with the intelligences present everywhere, delighted,
with your aura hugging
the intelligences here and there. 

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