Sunday, August 30, 2015


Holiday Grand Plan 2015

You've decided: this is the year you'll celebrate the holiday season from a home that is clean, organized, and ready for Christmas. You dream of holiday parties, overnight house guests, Christmas cookies, a decorated home, and a calm and stress-free holiday season.

There's only one problem: right now, you're living in domestic chaos. How to create a clean home for the holidays?

Looking around your home, you don't know where to begin. Cluttered counters, crammed closets, and out-of-place possessions pile up everywhere.

Dust bunnies and ceiling cobwebs announce that deep-cleaning is long overdue, and the guest room? Forget about it! It's home to moving boxes, unfinished crafts, and last winter's stained jackets and unmatched mittens.

What's the answer? You need a plan: the Holiday Grand Plan.


To have the holiday of your dreams, you need more than just a gift list and good intentions: you need a tried and tested roadmap to Christmas in a clean and organized home.

That's where the Holiday Grand Plan comes in! By breaking down all the tasks needed to clean and organize the house and prepare for the holidays, and dividing them into weekly assignments, the HGP will help you reach the season calm, centered, and ready to celebrate from a clean and organized home.

Based on the companion Cleaning Grand Plan, the Holiday Grand Plan combines holiday prep, home organizing, and cleaning components. Each week, the Plan focuses on one room or area. Beginning just as the summer ends, you'll work week-by-week to declutter, clean, and organize each room in your home.

Along the way, the HGP tackles holiday preparations, too. Whether it's gifts, decor, or holiday meals, you'll be organized and ready for the holidays before they arrive.

To guide you, you'll make a Christmas planner notebook to simplify your holidays. Free printable checklists and calendars make it easy to plan your progress and organize each week's goals. Your planner will become your road map for an organized holiday season ... in a clean home. Best of all? Next season you'll start ahead of the game, thanks to the notes, records, and reminders you'll tuck into your planner as you work the HGP.

Working with others makes it easier to follow your holiday plan. With many active HGP communities online on the Web, you'll have lots of company as you prepare for Christmas!

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