Thursday, July 30, 2020

2 days to Lammas, 7 weeks to Mabon, 13 weeks to Samhain...

Time passes, whether you are ready or not...

Another Lughnasadh I won't be celebrating... much. *sigh*
I really hate the fact that I'm sick, and don't have the energy to do what needs to be done.

I so want to decorate the house from floor to ceiling, from wall to wall, from door to balcony.
I would love to brew and bake and cook and serve 8 days of celebration of harvest and grain and all the wonderful things that can be made of grain. (You do realize Seitan is the perfect "meat" for this feast? :-D). Bread IS life. Bread IS culture. Bread IS the base our civilization is built on. (Well, bread and beer :-D)
I would love to dress up.
I would love to have the "Christmas movie tradition" there is for Christians. And the other traditions there are for Christmas. :-( Like 1st Advent, Lucia, St. Nicholas, Befana, Three Kings' Day, 12 Days of Christmas...
(Yes, I do have a serious tradition envy. It's so easy when the whole society has been permeated with your religion for some 1000 years. And you have been appropriating the Pagan culture, traditions and habits the whole time. So much so that now you deny the Pagan influence. Pitiful. But - I know traditions are just for a few generations. 90% of anyone's "holiday traditions" are not older than oneself is :-D)
I want to have a little tableau, like the creche, but illustrating an event of my mythology.
I would love to have a Lughnasadh playlist and games... Lammas carols, wassailing, Oktoberfest...
I would love to give gifts. I love giving gifts.
I would love to have a big dinner for my whole family, and have them sleep over... and then have a huge brunch with board games and so on the next day.
Oh, and send lovely cards to everyone!

And the same for every Sabbath.

After Lammas comes Mabon, then Samhain, then Yule, then Imbolc, then Ostara, then Beltane, then Litha, then Lammas and everything again and again, forever and ever, so mote it be.

Now, there isn't much I can do for Lammas this year, but I have 52 days until Mabon, and that I can do something about.

Then there's 45 days from that to Samhain, and I can do something about that, too.

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