Thursday, September 30, 2010

Halloween/Samhain Blog Party 2010

I am going to participate in two: The Domestic Witch's Samhain Party, which is going to last the whole October, and Fanciful Twist's Blog Hop Party, which is going to be on October 16th :-)

Participating in a Blog Party is quite easy; you need to write a blog entry, and then you should also visit the other participants' blogs and leave a comment :-)

There are thousands of ideas of themes for your blog entry, but it's usually about a party - what would you be wearing, how would you decorate, what would you be eating and drinking and so on, if this was a skin-life party.
I think the fantastic here is that it is a fantasy party, so only your imagination sets limits :-D
You can invite ANYONE, a person who is dead, alive, book character, movie character, moviestar... what ever you like :-)
You can eat anything, drink anything, you won't ever get sick or fat of anything you eat or drink at blog parties :-D
You can imagine your home to be anything you like, you can imagine being able to decorate the exactly as you like... If you'd like to PAINT your house black and orange for Halloween, you can do that - and the next day it would be the color it usually is :-)
Everyone will be doing what you want, you will be having fun, and you can wave your magic wand and make party spoilers disappear ;-)

I am off planning my October of Samhain celebration :-) I hope to see you tomorrow :-D

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