Friday, October 1, 2010

A little complaining first...

I have been looking around at people's blog's and all the amazing things they do for Samhain, and I feel poor. Painfully, horribly, hopelessly, limitingly poor. For some 30 years I have been trying to invent things one can do as much DIY as possible, and there IS a lot one can do... but...

I cannot have a house and garden.
I cannot have antique furniture, with a beautiful sheen that only comes from decades of polishing.
I cannot have give-aways, because I cannot afford the postal fees.
I cannot do a lot of DIY either, because I cannot afford buying what is needed... like such simple things like hot glue gun, pretty ribbons, paint.

On top of this... I have fibromyalgia, which sometimes robs me even the possibility of doing things with the things I CAN afford, like anything found outside, and simple, white paper and watercolors.

Yesterday I was really, really happy and full of ideas of what I could do and how I could offer you a really good Samhain party, and today...
My hands hurt.

It's my husband's birthday, and my hands hurt.

He asked only for one thing for his birthday, and I cannot give that to him, because my hands hurt.

I know I shouldn't be complaining and sharing my woes with you, this is supposed to be a party, and even if I MAY cry on MY party, it's not polite and nice. If you bother enough to come, I should bother enough to even TRY being a good hostess. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry that you're having a rough day - I have advanced arthritis (at 49, my hands look like a gnarled oak!) and I know well how low you can get when you want to do things that are easy for others and just can't - and it gets sooo tiresome to say again "I can't do that".

    I sure do get a big case of the not-adequates looking at the wonderful stuff others do too, but the turnng leaves are free, and if you can't afford more stuff (and do we need more stuff?), the turning leaves are free and a bowl of apples and walnuts or pinecones or whatever is on hand can look pretty festive.

    Take care and thanks for writing this - good to know not everyone is floating through a beautiful life without struggle! (and of course, no one is) :)
