Monday, October 7, 2013

31 Days of Inspired Holidays: day 7: Questions

Welcome to a new week! It's Monday, 7th of October.

We started very heavily, I know, but it's mostly because most people have a lot of energy on the first day of everything, and then less as time goes by. If you didn't manage to finish everything - which I think you might not have done, because you are not a freewoman like I am, you can finish things this week.

You should be greeted with a nice yard, door, and an inviting entry when you come home from work.
Keep looking at what would make this part even nicer, and keep this area clean and tidy until Samhain.
If you didn't have time to finish the yard, porch, entry and storages last weekend, you have plenty of time this week to put things right. But - you should focus on cleaning the kitchen this week, so that you can start the holiday food preparations.

Another thing you could be doing this week is the cards, if you plan to make your own
Make holiday ornaments and decoration items.
Make gifts, if you plan on doing something else than food gifts.

Other than that, there isn't much work to do this week. :-)

A couple of weeks ago was the "Living Room / Questions Week" at Holiday Grand Plan.
It's as well you answer these questions thinking about Samhain, to find your "perfect" Samhain

Do I see Samhain time primarily as a time for entertaining friends and renewing long lost acquaintances or as a time for family?

How much emphasis do our Samhain activities place on the spiritual side of Samhain?
(I think this is a very important question. Too much of our holidays - holy days - are forgotten on the altar of materialism and selfishness. I created this blog to lift up the connection to God, the spiritual aspect of our lives, which I believe even atheists need. I don't know how atheist spirituality looks, but I suppose one could call that philosophy, or lifestance.)

How involved is my family in the Samhain preparation?

What activities are particularly important to our family at Samhain? To myself?

Why do we observe the traditions we do in our house?

How important is an elaborately decorated house, homemade gifts or food, to my feelings about Samhain?

What would my ideal Samhain be like?

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