Tuesday, October 8, 2013

31 Days of Inspired Holidays: day 8: More activities

* choose a movie you are going to watch every Samhain. Create a tradition around the movie, like there now are Polar Express PJ parties, kids dressed in pyjamas, drinking hot cocoa and watching the movie, while parents are out doing the last minute Christmas shopping. Or Harry Potter parties, with a Hogwarts dessert table :-D

Here's a list of family friendly Halloween movies, some more frightening than others. Watch everything first before you let your kids see it. You can't forbid your kids from watching a movie they love, but you might want to... so you better know if you want your kids to see the movie BEFORE they see it.

You can also choose a movie for EACH DAY before Samhain, and a week after. :-) There's plenty of movies to watch.

(And here's a free printable Halloween pop-corn box and here's a very nice one - free printable popcorn cup - you could print it on ordinary paper and use as a template to cut the pieces of Halloween scrapbook paper or cardboard stock, to get it sturdier.
And you can laminate it on the inside by gently ironing thin see-through plastic bags on the inside. Or use transparent self-adhesive plastic foil cover film, what ever that stuff is called. And if your kids are small, laminate outside as well.
And here's some recipes for Halloween Popcorn you can fill the popcorn boxes with.)

* sing songs suitable for the season

* make lists of your favorite songs. Try to find at least 10 more new ones you haven't sang or listened at this season.

* Make a seasonal music CD and give to your friends

* Make a seasonal music video and post it on YouTube

* Compose and write your own Samhain songs. It doesn't need to be fancy and amazing. If you come up with nothing, "steal" an old traditional song and write new words for it. That's the way the Big Ones did too :-D

* Remember your favorite Christmas stories, books, picture books? Try to find something similar about Samhain, or write your own version. Let the family write the story. There really was no Polar Express before someone wrote the story. There was no Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer, before someone wrote the song. There was no Jack Skellington.

* create a play and act it to the whole neighborhood or friends and relatives. Once upon a time Nativity Play was just a story someone decided to enact. Now there are "Living Nativities" with "camel rides, dress-up and snacks".


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